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Friday, January 31, 2020

8 Street Food ala Kota Wuhan yang Lezatnya Bersahabat dengan Lidah -

Kuliner ekstrem kota Wuhan ditengarai sebagai faktor penyebab munculnya virus corona yang membuat kota ini menjadi perbincangan dunia. Namun siapa sangka, kota memesona yang terletak di Provinsi Hubei, Tiongkok ini juga punya beragam street food lezat yang rasanya bersahabat dengan lidah.

Tentunya, kalian gak akan ragu untuk menikmatinya karena tidak mengandung unsur bahan ekstrem. Ada street food apa saja, ya?

1. Baked mushroom bao

8 Street Food ala Kota Wuhan yang  Lezatnya Bersahabat dengan

Baked mushroom bao adalah roti gurih yang memiliki isian berupa tumis jamur (jamur shitake dan jamur kancing) yang dimasak dengan cara dipanggang.

Memiliki tekstur kering pada kulit luarnya dan sedikit lembut di bagian dalam. Di Wuhan, biasanya masyarakat lebih senang memanggang roti isi ini dengan menggunakan tandoor.

Banyak yang berpendapat jika baked mushroom bao memiliki rasa dan aroma lebih nikmat jika dipanggang dengan tandoor ketimbang alat pemanggang modern.

2. Guo kui

8 Street Food ala Kota Wuhan yang  Lezatnya Bersahabat dengan

Telah ada sejak zaman Dinasti Tang, roti tipis nan renyah dengan ukuran lebar ini terbuat dari tepung terigu. Guo kui hampir bisa dibilang crapes Tiongkok yang memiliki beragam isian mulai dari pasta kacang merah, sayuran, hingga acar mustard hijau.

Sama halnya baked mushroom bao, guo kui dipanggang dengan menggunakan pemanggang dari tanah liat atau dikenal dengan nama tandoor 

3. Doupi

8 Street Food ala Kota Wuhan yang  Lezatnya Bersahabat dengan

Street food sekaligus menu breakfast masyarakat kota Wuhan ini serupa dengan martabak karena doupi memiliki dua lapisan kulit luar yang renyah terbuat dari kulit tahu, kacang hijau, tepung, susu, dan telur.

Sama halnya martabak telur, doupi punya isi berupa daging babi cincang, jamur, dan rebung.

4. Mianwo

8 Street Food ala Kota Wuhan yang  Lezatnya Bersahabat dengan

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Mianwo adalah roti goreng khas Provinsi Hubei yang memiliki bentuk layaknya donat. Hanya saja, mianwo punya rasa gurih dan terbuat dari susu kedelai, tepung, rice milk, daun bawang, serta taburan wijen.

Baca Juga: Nikmatnya Chinese Steamed Fish, Masakan yang Top Banget di Kota Wuhan

5. Ya bozi

8 Street Food ala Kota Wuhan yang  Lezatnya Bersahabat dengan

Lidah kalian pasti sudah gak asing lagi dengan gurihnya bebek panggang. Namun, ya bozi bukanlah menggunakan tubuh bebek melainkan leher bebek yang telah dibumbui dan dipanggang dengan saus.

Meski tidak banyak daging, ya bozi tetap menjadi street food kesukaan masyarakat Kota Wuhan.

6. Xiao long xia

8 Street Food ala Kota Wuhan yang  Lezatnya Bersahabat dengan

Xiao long xia adalah lobster kecil berbumbu yang dimasak dengan cara digoreng. Usai matang, biasanya xiao long xia disajikan dengan taburan merica Sichuan yang membuatnya makin menggiurkan untuk disantap.

7. Bang bang chicken

8 Street Food ala Kota Wuhan yang  Lezatnya Bersahabat dengan

Potongan ayam bertepung ini juga jadi street food lezat ala kota Wuhan. Bang bang chicken menggunakan tepung jagung sebagai balutannya sebelum digoreng. 

Mayones, saus cabai, madu, dan saus tomat, beberapa topping yang biasanya digunakan untuk melengkapi lezatnya bang bang chicken.

8. Fishball kway teow soup

8 Street Food ala Kota Wuhan yang  Lezatnya Bersahabat dengan

Fishball kway teow soup adalah bakso ikan yang menggunakan mi jenis kwetiau sebagai pelengkapnya. Street food yang bikin perut kenyang ini dilengkapi pula dengan isian lain seperti fish cake, daging ayam, daging bebek, dan sayuran.

Itu tadi delapan street food khas Wuhan yang lezatnya bersahabat dengan lidah. Jika kondisi kota Wuhan telah pulih kembali, jangan lupa untuk cicipi re gan mian yang jadi kuliner khas kota ini ya!

Baca Juga: 3 Fakta Unik Kuliner Kelelawar di Tiongkok yang Harus Kamu Tahu

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February 01, 2020 at 01:56PM

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Dangerous 'street takeover' trend continues in Phoenix - AZFamily

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Dangerous 'street takeover' trend continues in Phoenix  AZFamily

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February 01, 2020 at 11:04AM

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Berryville plans street lighting project survey - The Winchester Star

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Berryville plans street lighting project survey  The Winchester Star

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February 01, 2020 at 12:00PM

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Pecinan Street Food, Wisata Kuliner Tionghoa Ala Banyuwangi - - Di Banyuwangi, wisata kuliner terus ditumbuhkan. Bersamaan dengan peringatan Imlek, kini muncul Pecinan Street Food. Sebuah kawasan kuliner yang menjajakan beragam masakan khas Tionghoa. Mulai dari ayam kunpao, dimsum, bakcang, lontong cap go meh, bebek/ayam Peking, bakcang, hingga teh Luo Han Kuo.

Wisata kuliner ini diresmikan langsung oleh Bupati Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas, Jumat malam (31/1). Ribuan orang turut menghadiri pembukaan kawasan jajanan tionghoa yang pertama di Bumi Blambangan. Sejak sore, ratusan pengunjung memadati area. Mereka semua penasaran dengan beragam kuliner yang bakal disajikan di kawasan tersebut.


Pecinan Street Food ini digelar di sepanjang jalan ikan Gurame di Kelurahan Karangrejo. Membentang sekitar 300 meter di areal Kelenteng Hoo Tong Bio. Di sini, pengunjung bisa mencicipi kuliner sedap sambil menikmati suasana romantis yang kental nuansa warga tionghoa. Mulai dari musik, hiburan, hingga ornamen serba merah.

"Pecinan Street Food akan rutin digelar setiap Jumat malam di areal jalanan menuju Kelenteng Hoo Tong Bio. Khusus di festival Imlek ini, dibuka setiap hari hingga festival Imlek berakhir pada Minggu malam. Jadi warga Banyuwangi dan wisatawan yang ingin menikmati masakan khas Tionghoa tidak perlu repot. Langsung saja ke tempat ini. Dijamin puas," kata Bupati Anas.

Ditambahkan Anas, sudah empat tahun terakhir ini Banyuwangi menggelar Festival Imlek. Ini sebagai upaya pemkab untuk terus memupuk kerukunan dalam keberagaman di Bumi Blambangan.


Festival Imlek kali ini dipusatkan di Tempat Ibadah Tri Dharma (TITD) Hoo Tong Bio. Event yang masuk rangkaian Banyuwangi Festival (B-Fest) 2020 digeber mulai tadi malam (31) sampai Minggu besok (2/2).

Bupati Abdullah Azwar Anas mengatakan, Festival Imlek merupakan wujud komitmen pemkab untuk mengangkat beragam tradisi dan kebudayaan yang tumbuh di Banyuwangi. Ini menunjukkan bahwa budaya Tionghoa juga merupakan bagian dari Banyuwangi.

"Festival ini adalah wujud komitmen kami untuk mengakomodasi semua tradisi dan budaya yang ada di masyarakat. Banyuwangi yang dihuni banyak etnis, agama, dan budaya bisa hidup rukun dan damai," kata Anas," ujarnya.


Anas menuturkan, selain budaya Tionghoa, kesenian lokal Banyuwangi juga ditampilkan pada Festival Imlek tersebut. Seperti, barong Oseng dan lagu-lagu daerah yang bakal bersanding dengan musik khas Tionghoa.

"Ini pastinya menarik, bagaimana budaya Tionghoa akan berpadu dengan budaya Banyuwangi," imbuh Anas.

Koordinator Kelenteng Hoo Tong Bio Alexander Martin mengatakan, Festival Imlek bakal dimeriahkan banyak atraksi yang merefleksikan akulturasi budaya Tionghoa dan budaya lokal Banyuwangi.

Ada pertunjukan Wayang Potehi di depan kelenteng. Wayang Potehi adalah kesenian wayang klasik perpaduan budaya Tionghoa dan Jawa. Selain itu, dilakukan peresmian sentra kuliner baru Pecinan Street Food, selain menjajakan makanan khas Tionghoa, juga dijual aneka makanan yang biasa dijajakan di kawasan tersebut.


Meski ini adalah sentra kuliner Tionghoa, Alex memastikan bahwa semua menu yang dijajakan di kawasan ini halal. Pengunjung tidak perlu khawatir mencicipi kuliner di Pecinan Street Food.

"Masyarakat Banyuwangi sangat majemuk, ada banyak etnis dan agama. Namun, kami menyadari bahwa mayoritas adalah muslim. Sehingga kami dan seluruh pedagang sepakat hanya menyediakan masakan halal. Sehingga siapa saja bisa datang dan berwisata kuliner di sini tanpa ragu. Dijamin halal dan enak," tegas Alex.

Aneka jajanan juga ada, di antaranya kue keranjang, manisan Tiongkok, bakpao ayam, dan bakcang. Juga aneka minuman, seperti teh bunga krisan, kopi, dan masih banyak lainnya.

Sementara itu, pada Minggu (2/2), festival imlek akan ditutup dengan beragam pertunjukan seni kolaborasi. Di antaranya, atraksi leang leong dan tarian lampion. Juga kolaborasi barongsai, barong using, dan barong Bali.

"Juga ada penampilan Lalare Orchestra. Mereka akan membawakan sejumlah lagu daerah dan lagu Tionghoa yang diaransemen musik tradisional," pungkas Alex. [hhw]

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February 01, 2020 at 10:42AM

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Critical Mass and Car-Free Market Street - Streetsblog San Francisco

This evening is the last Friday of the month. That means it’s time for a Critical Mass protest ride on the streets of San Francisco.

How many will ride tonight as part of San Francisco’s 28-year-old pro-bike movement? That’s unclear.  Regardless, it will be the first time the ride will sail down a Market Street freed of private cars.

At Wednesday’s ribbon-cutting event for a car-free Market Street, Streetsblog heard someone in the crowd gripe that none of the politicians even mentioned Critical Mass, a movement known for taking over streets. Their monthly rides, part of a pioneering effort to fight for streets that accommodate all users, were also seen as exacerbating car traffic jams and infuriating motorists.

However, “Critical Mass was the key to launching all this stuff,” Chris Carlsson, one of the founders of Critical Mass, told Streetsblog via phone. “All the people riding today know that wouldn’t have happened without Critical Mass. It made it possible for the tepid, wimpy bike coalition people to do their thing.”

Clearly, Critical Mass remains controversial. A recent article in the Independent noted that they’re listed alongside actual extremist groups by British authorities (which, Streetsblog has to say, is a silly notion). The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, meanwhile, declined to comment for this story.

And SFMTA’s own Mike Salaberry, a proud Critical Masser himself, posted some thoughts on Facebook’s San Francisco Bike Ride Crew page: “Exciting times for Market St and for the momentum in general for bike projects in the city! I’ve heard a few folks talk about Critical Mass tonight celebrating by riding on Market. I’ve done CM dozens of times but it’s been many years and I’m not sure how big it is or what its dynamics are these days. Anyway, I’m hoping that any CM ride today doesn’t end up slowing down or stopping transit along Market St as people try to get home. Car-free Market is a great development and there is a lot of political sentiment to keep improving streets for people on bikes, so it would be a shame to stoke ill will towards cyclists by jamming up the street tonight.”

“Sometimes the unauthorized, outlaw expression leads to the institutionalized version, which then leads to changes in infrastructure,” opined Livable Cities’ Tom Radulovich, in an interview with Streetsblog. He added that Critical Mass is to car-free streets what Parking Day is to parklets, which are now commonplace in the Bay Area and elsewhere.

A parklet in Albany. Using a parking space for something other than car storage was unthinkable, until artists and advocates started 'Parking Day'. Photo: Streetsblog/Rudick
A parklet in Albany. Using a parking space for something other than car storage was unthinkable until artists and advocates started Parking Day. Photo: Streetsblog/Rudick

“Social change always begins in art, and you can think of Critical Mass as a collective artistic expression,” he said, adding that he hasn’t participated in a Critical Mass ride in years. “The movement has wound down a bit, if only because, to an extent, they won” and now there are sanctioned car-free events, such as Sunday Streets, and car-free spaces, such as Octavia in Hayes Valley.

But Radulovich was careful to qualify what “winning” means. The fight for safe streets continues, just in different ways. “People Protected is on that same trajectory …  a street-theater-style protest that has been really invaluable at moving things,” he said, adding that because of those protests, which involved people in yellow shirts standing along bike lanes to keep them free of scofflaw motorists, there are now networks of protected bike lanes in SoMa and elsewhere. “People Protected is the Critical Mass of today.”

“Critical Mass started the trend,” wrote Matt Brezina, one of the founders of the People Protected bike lane movement in San Francisco. “It opened my eyes to a community I didn’t know,” he added. A community of “…people that just wanted to get around their town without a car.”

A 2017 People Protected Bike Lane Protest on the Embarcadero, one of many streets still lacking safe infrastructure. Streetsblog/Rudick
A 2017 People Protected Bike Lane Protest on the Embarcadero, one of many streets still lacking safe infrastructure. Streetsblog/Rudick

However, Brezina told Streetsblog that Critical Mass was more geared towards “hardcore men and women who bike” while People Protected is more mainstream, for “kids on bikes. Grandma on her bike.” But each, he opined, was the right tool for its time.

But somebody had to start the movements going–and Critical Mass was first. “None of it would have happened if thousands of people hadn’t seized the streets every last Friday of the month for years to live out how much better it could be,” said Carlsson. “Just get out there and do it.”

For some history on Critical Mass, check out former Streetsblog San Francisco editor Aaron Bialick’s great piece from 2012. Or watch this 2008 Streetsfilm:

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February 01, 2020 at 06:58AM

Critical Mass and Car-Free Market Street - Streetsblog San Francisco
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Pecinan Street Food, Wisata Kuliner Tionghoa ala Banyuwangi - JatimNow - Bersamaan dengan peringatan Imlek tahun ini, Banyuwangi menggelar Pecinan Street Food, kawasan kuliner yang menjajakan beragam masakan khas Tionghoa.

Wisata kuliner ini diresmikan oleh Bupati Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas, pada Jumat (31/1/2020) malam. Di sini, beragam masakan khas Tionghoa dijajakan, mulai dari ayam kunpao, dimsum, bakcang, lontong cap go meh, bebek atau ayam peking, bakcang hingga teh Luo Han Kuo.

Ribuan orang turut menghadiri pembukaan kawasan jajanan Tionghoa yang pertama di Bumi Blambangan tersebut. Bahkan sejak sore, ratusan pengunjung memadati lokasi karena penasaran dengan beragam kuliner yang bakal disajikan di kawasan itu.

Pecinan Street Food digelar di sepanjang Jalan Ikan Gurame Kelurahan Karangrejo, membentang sekitar 300 meter di areal Kelenteng Hoo Tong Bio. Di sini, pengunjung bisa mencicipi kuliner sedap sambil menikmati suasana romantis yang kental dengan nuansa Tionghoa. Mulai dari musik, hiburan, hingga ornamen serba merah.

"Pecinan Street Food akan rutin digelar setiap Jumat malam di areal jalanan menuju Kelenteng Hoo Tong Bio. Khusus di festival Imlek ini, dibuka setiap hari hingga festival Imlek berakhir pada Minggu malam. Jadi warga Banyuwangi dan wisatawan yang ingin menikmati masakan khas Tionghoa tidak perlu repot. Langsung saja ke tempat ini. Dijamin puas," ungkap Bupati Anas.

Warga memadati areal Pacinan Street Food BanyuwangiWarga memadati areal Pacinan Street Food Banyuwangi

Menurut Bupati Anas, sudah empat tahun terakhir ini Banyuwangi menggelar Festival Imlek. Ini sebagai upaya Pemkab Banyuwangi untuk terus memupuk kerukunan dalam keberagaman di Bumi Blambangan.

Festival Imlek kali ini dipusatkan di Tempat Ibadah Tri Dharma (TITD) Hoo Tong Bio. Event yang masuk rangkaian Banyuwangi Festival (B-Fest) 2020 hingga Minggu (2/2/2020).

Bupati Anas menambahkan, Festival Imlek merupakan wujud komitmen pemkab untuk mengangkat beragam tradisi dan kebudayaan yang tumbuh di Banyuwangi. Ini menunjukkan bahwa budaya Tionghoa juga merupakan bagian dari Banyuwangi.

"Festival ini adalah wujud komitmen kami untuk mengakomodasi semua tradisi dan budaya yang ada di masyarakat. Banyuwangi yang dihuni banyak etnis, agama dan budaya bisa hidup rukun dan damai," ujarnya.

Ia menyebut, selain budaya Tionghoa, kesenian lokal Banyuwangi juga ditampilkan pada Festival Imlek ini. Seperti Barong Oseng dan lagu-lagu daerah yang bakal bersanding dengan musik khas Tionghoa.

"Ini pastinya menarik, bagaimana budaya Tionghoa akan berpadu dengan budaya Banyuwangi," sambung Bupati Anas.

Bupati Anas mencoba makanan yang dijajakan dalam Pecinan Street Food BanyuwangiBupati Anas mencoba makanan yang dijajakan dalam Pecinan Street Food Banyuwangi

Koordinator Kelenteng Hoo Tong Bio Alexander Martin mengatakan, Festival Imlek bakal dimeriahkan banyak atraksi yang merefleksikan akulturasi budaya Tionghoa dan budaya lokal Banyuwangi. Salah satunya pertunjukan Wayang Potehi di depan kelenteng.

Wayang Potehi adalah kesenian wayang klasik perpaduan budaya Tionghoa dan Jawa. Selain itu, dilakukan peresmian sentra kuliner baru Pecinan Street Food, yang menjajakan makanan khas Tionghoa, juga aneka makanan yang biasa dijajakan di kawasan tersebut.

Meski berkonsep sentra kuliner Tionghoa, Alex memastikan bahwa semua menu yang dijajakan di kawasan ini halal. Pengunjung tidak perlu khawatir mencicipi kuliner di Pecinan Street Food.

"Masyarakat Banyuwangi sangat majemuk, ada banyak etnis dan agama. Namun kami menyadari bahwa mayoritas adalah muslim. Sehingga kami dan seluruh pedagang sepakat hanya menyediakan masakan halal. Sehingga siapa saja bisa datang dan berwisata kuliner di sini tanpa ragu. Dijamin halal dan enak," tegas Alex.

Aneka jajanan juga dijajakan di sini, antara lain kue keranjang, manisan Tiongkok, bakpao ayam dan bakcang. Juga aneka minuman seperti teh bunga krisan, kopi dan masih banyak lainnya.

Pada Minggu, festival imlek akan ditutup dengan beragam pertunjukan seni kolaborasi. Di antaranya atraksi Leang Leong dan Tarian Lampion. Juga kolaborasi barongsai, barong using dan barong Bali.

"Juga ada penampilan Lalare Orchestra. Mereka akan membawakan sejumlah lagu daerah dan lagu Tionghoa yang diaransemen musik tradisional," pungkas Alex.

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February 01, 2020 at 09:43AM

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St. Paul's Rice Street Rocker giving back through 'Old School' gym - Minneapolis Star Tribune

In the boxing ring, the Rice Street Rocker was relentless, fearless, continually pressing opponents with piston-like jabs and damaging uppercuts.

Twenty years later, Mike Evgen’s step is a bit slower, his gait not as sure. But the 53-year-old is no less determined to pass on lessons he learned of dedication, discipline and determination to a new generation of boxers.

After a couple of years of planning, fundraising, regulatory hiccups and dimmed hopes, Evgen’s Rice Street “Old School” Boxing Gym is officially open on St. Paul’s East Side. The idea, he said, is not just to train a new wave of champions, but to give young people a safe way out of a world troubled by crime, addiction and uncertainty.

“My goal would be to see a kid come in, shy, afraid of his own shadow, and then come here for a couple of weeks, start hitting the bag and just get some confidence,” Evgen said. “Walk around with their head high. Shoulders back. Feel a little more good about themselves. That’s truly, truly what I want.”

The plan was always to open on Rice Street, the blue-collar avenue that starts near the State Capitol and runs through St. Paul’s northern suburbs. The street that helped make Evgen one of the state’s most popular boxers.

It’s where Evgen grew up, just across the city line in Roseville. And it’s where Evgen was inspired to start boxing at age 12, hoping to honor a boxing cousin gunned down at the age of 20. Trained by his uncle, Jay Pelzer, Evgen would go on to win an unprecedented six Upper Midwest Golden Gloves titles by the age of 21 — in four different weight classes — and earn the nickname “the Rice Street Rocker” from longtime Pioneer Press sportswriter Don Riley.

Evgen won his first professional fight in January 1989 with a first-round knockout at his former high school, Kellogg, (now Roseville Area Middle School) just off Rice Street. He wouldn’t lose a fight until June 1991. In April 1992, with a record of 19-1, Evgen captured the IBO world junior welterweight title at St. Paul’s Roy Wilkins Auditorium. He retired from boxing in July 1997, after a loss at a sports bar in Maplewood, with a record of 31-6. He was inducted into the Minnesota Boxing Hall of Fame in 2011.

Dick Boss, who met Evgen when the boxer was 12 and later hired him to work at his liquor store, said Rice Street folks screamed their lungs out for the 5-6, 139-pound Evgen.

“He was big. People really loved him. We’d get school buses full of people going to his fights,” Boss said. “People just loved his desire to win. And he would not go down.”

Fans found Evgen’s stamina, quickness and toughness endearing, said Wayne Moe, a neighbor who coached Evgen in youth football and never missed one of his fights.

“He was fast with his hands. He always said he wanted to give fans what they wanted,” Moe said. “I remember an early fight he had in the old Kellogg gym with a guy from Chicago. Mike took him out in two or three rounds. Then his brother came up in a later fight to avenge him. Mike took him out in a couple of rounds too.”

Rice Streeters continued to stick by Evgen when times turned tough, even if they had to use tough love. Many saw him drinking heavily.

“I remember saying, ‘Mike, you’re not my friend anymore if you don’t quit drinking,’ ” Boss said. “You’re not doing yourself or anyone else any good if you don’t quit.”

Evgen said his drunkenness was “a major factor” in his divorce. His desire to be able to participate in the lives of his young daughters helped him get sober, he said. The women are now 29 and 27. Evgen, sober nearly 24 years, say they and his four grandchildren are a huge part of his life.

Several years ago, Evgen started working at Restoration Counseling & Community Services’ outpatient facility on Rice Street — first as an outreach worker, now as a mentor to men struggling with addiction. It was that work that brought together Evgen and Linda Wojcik, who’s now his girlfriend. She had a family member who needed help and approached the former boxer. When she heard of his dream to start a boxing gym, Wojcik, CEO of a local nonprofit, offered to help get it off the ground.

A handshake deal to launch the gym in the old St. Bernard’s High School on Rice Street — an opportunity to give back to the neighborhood that had shown him so much love — was too good to pass up. In the summer of 2018, Evgen and a slew of energized Rice Streeters started clearing out the lower-level bowling alley.

“Once we got started, the community got so excited,” said Wojcik, president of the gym’s board of directors. “We have so many people who stepped forward to help.”

Neighborhood enthusiasm was not enough. In early 2019, Wojcik said, city inspectors said a new air-exchange system, upgraded sprinklers and new fire alarms would be needed — adding about $60,000 to what was going to be rent-free space. Then, in July, they learned they wouldn’t be getting a grant from the city to help them pay for it. Their boxing gym dream seemed dead.

Until September. That’s when they learned that MSS, which provides employment and other services to people with a range of disabilities, had a mostly empty warehouse on the city’s East Side. A lease was signed in October, the Rice Street “Old School” Boxing Gym, at 900 Ocean St. in St. Paul, started offering classes in December and the gym is now officially open. Classes for kids and adults are held 4:30 to 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Plans are in the works to tailor classes for people with physical disabilities and develop a daytime program for MSS clients.

Still, Evgen said, much of his energy will be focused on helping kids.

“It would be nice if we can get them at 10, 11 years old” before gangs or drugs get a grip, he said. “We just want to give the kids a chance.”

On a recent Thursday evening, as Evgen shared ring stories and a couple of youngsters shadowboxed in front of mirrors, a teenager approached one of several heavy bags hanging in the brightly lit gym. “Hey!” Evgen said. “Did you stretch, you know, your legs, your shoulders?” The boy smiled and went to stretch.

Up in the ring, Dan Morgan, 58, a gym volunteer and former Minneapolis super middleweight, sparred with 21-year-old amateur Ben Pelzer. As the two circled, the old pro blocked or eluded several shots from the youngster. But not all. Pelzer, who was born in Frogtown but grew up in Ireland where he’s had eight amateur fights, is the grandson of Evgen’s first boxing coach, Jay Pelzer.

“You see some of these kids and they can’t throw a punch. It irritates the hell out of me,” Morgan said afterward. “This kid? He’s slick. He’s going to be all right.”

So, too, is Evgen’s “old school” gym, said Bobby Brunette. A member of the advisory council that oversees professional boxing in Minnesota, Brunette has known Evgen since he first put on boxing gloves. The Rice Street Rocker is still admired in Minnesota boxing circles for his tenacity and grit, Brunette said.

“You never had to look for Mike in the ring. He was right there and he just kept coming,” he said. “Now he’s giving back to the community, teaching kids to box. And you know what? Once Mike’s up and running full steam, he’s going to do just fine over there.”

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February 01, 2020 at 03:47AM

St. Paul's Rice Street Rocker giving back through 'Old School' gym - Minneapolis Star Tribune
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South Carson Street project construction to start in March - Nevada Appeal

About 40 people turned out to hear details on the upcoming South Carson Street project at a public meeting held by Carson City Public Works on Thursday.

Dan Stucky, city engineer, and Dan LeBlanc and Emma Crossman, project lead and project manager with Sierra Nevada Construction Inc., the contractor, outlined the timeline for the city’s $20 million project to reduce lanes, add a multi-use path, and install a roundabout at Stewart Street.

Surveying will start in February with construction beginning in March. The project is divided into three zones: Carson Street north of Stewart Street, the roundabout at Stewart Street, and south from Fairview Drive to Appion Way. Work between the zones will overlap.

Construction will start with extensive utility work. Roughly $3.5 million of the project is going to stormwater drainage. Phase one includes that work as well as the frontage road and concrete on the west side. That phase is expected to be from March to July.

The second phase, expected to last from May to December, will include installing both the multi-use path along the east side of much of the road and the roundabout at Stewart Street.

The road will be repaved in the final phase, from July to December. The contractor will likely return in spring 2021 to do most of the landscaping.

Building the roundabout is expected to take about eight weeks, divided into constructing the roundabout then adding the Stewart Street leg. The project’s only second-shift work will take place then.

During that time, there will be detours. Cars traveling north on Carson Street will take Stewart Street while the roundabout is being built and will use the roundabout while the Stewart Street section is being installed.

Vehicles traveling south will turn at 5th Street, either right to Curry Street to Rhodes Street or left to Roop Street to Fairview Drive to get back on Carson Street.

Southbound traffic will be able to continue on Carson Street between 5th Street and Stewart Street to go to the Carson Mall or other businesses located on those blocks.

“We will at all times maintain business access,” said Crossman.

During road paving, traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction with a center turn lane in the area being worked on.

There was a question and answer period, which included concerns voiced before: will Carson Street be able to handle traffic fueled by growth and is the roundabout necessary?

Stucky said the roundabout has been planned for about 15 years and is safer, less costly solution than a traffic signal.

“It will still function well in 2040,” based on traffic projections, said Stucky.

The city is committed to complete streets, he said, which provide access for all modes of traffic.

“The Board of Supervisors had a vision that when we took control the street we would have a welcoming corridor,” Stucky said.

The city plans to keep residents up to date on the project online at, where there is background on it with a live construction map once work starts. The city also pushes out information on all its social media, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

People can get live text updates on detours, lane closures, and other information by texting 31996, and the construction hotline is 775-283-4784.

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February 01, 2020 at 02:57AM

South Carson Street project construction to start in March - Nevada Appeal
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Street lights out from 82nd to 50th during I-27 improvement project - KCBD

Currently, TxDOT is working on a section of I-27 from 82nd Street to North Loop 289. During this phase of the project, I-27 median lighting has been disconnected from 82nd Street to 50th Street in order to allow for TxDOT’s contracted crews to complete improvements.

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February 01, 2020 at 06:07AM

Street lights out from 82nd to 50th during I-27 improvement project - KCBD
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Angry Epithet-Filled Graffiti at 72nd Street Lashes Out at Police and MTA -

Posted on January 31, 2020 at 11:04 am by West Sider

Angry graffiti appeared early on Friday at the 72nd Street station for the B-C line. Several tipsters sent in photos of the graffiti, which included a wide range of expletives cursing the MTA and police.

“At 730 saw it off the train. An MTA employee was scrubbing it. All over the walls and as displays on the downtown platform. Dreadful,” wrote one Upper West Sider in response to the writing.

There has been a backlash to the increased police presence in subway stations that was ordered by Governor Cuomo and the MTA. One Upper West Sider said four police officers were recently patrolling the 1-2-3 station at 96th Street.

The MTA decided to add 500 officers to combat fare-evasion and other crimes, but critics have argued they’re essentially criminalizing poverty — including detaining people selling things like churros. The graffiti, though, doesn’t make any particular arguments about this, beyond expletives.

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January 31, 2020 at 11:18PM

Angry Epithet-Filled Graffiti at 72nd Street Lashes Out at Police and MTA -
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Wayang Potehi Hingga Pecinan Street Food di Festival Imlek Banyuwangi - -

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January 31, 2020 at 07:15PM

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Wall Street tumbles as virus outbreak raises growth fears - Yahoo Finance

FILE PHOTO: A trader works at the New York Stock Exchange

By Chuck Mikolajczak

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street's major averages tumbled more than 1% on Friday as the spreading coronavirus outbreak along with sluggish U.S. economic data and a mixed batch of corporate earnings fuelled concerns about global growth.

The S&P 500 <.SPX> is down nearly 3% from its closing high hit earlier in January, as businesses struggle with supply problems from the coronavirus epidemic that has killed 213 people in China and been declared a global emergency.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it had issued a quarantine order for all repatriated individuals from China in California.

Delta Air Lines Inc <DAL.N> lost 2.38% and American Airlines Group Inc <AAL.O> fell 3.50% after the companies said they would suspend all flights to mainland China.

Economists fear the coronavirus could have a bigger impact than Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which killed about 800 people between 2002 and 2003 at an estimated cost of $33 billion to the global economy, since China's share of the world economy is now far greater.

Adding to the growth concerns was U.S. data showing consumer spending rose steadily in December, but wage gains indicated moderate growth in consumption and business investment contracted, putting the economy on a slower pace this year. Additionally, a report on manufacturing in the Midwest hit a four-year low for January.

"We wouldn’t think this would be terribly prolonged but certainly it matters today and the data outside of Amazon has been certainly on the soft side," said Scott Ladner, chief investment officer at Horizon Investments in Charlotte.

"So we don’t have the buttress of super strong data to kind of turn the narrative away from the obvious uncertainty that is out there with this virus," Inc <AMZN.O> was a bright spot, surging 8.39% on better-than-expected results for the holiday-quarter that pushed it back into the $1 trillion market capitalisation club.

Gains in Amazon helped the consumer discretionary index <.SPLRCD> rise 1.39%, the only sector on the plus side. Energy <.SPNY> was by far the worst performer, tumbling 3.25%.

Oil majors Exxon Mobil Corp <XOM.N> and Chevron Corp <CVX.N> were the primary drags on the sector as each dropped more than 4% after disappointing results.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average <.DJI> fell 525.63 points, or 1.82%, to 28,333.81, the S&P 500 <.SPX> lost 48.35 points, or 1.47%, to 3,235.31 and the Nasdaq Composite <.IXIC> dropped 110.89 points, or 1.19%, to 9,188.05.

Both the Dow and S&P 500 were on pace for their worst weekly performance since early August.

Visa Inc <V.N> fell 3.70% after its quarterly revenue missed estimates and the payments network warned of incentives hitting 2020 results.

International Business Machines Corp <IBM.N> gained 4.74% after it named a new chief executive officer.

Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by a 3.22-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 3.44-to-1 ratio favoured decliners.

The S&P 500 posted 33 new 52-week highs and 12 new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 48 new highs and 107 new lows.

(Reporting by Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Tom Brown)

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January 31, 2020 at 10:32PM

Wall Street tumbles as virus outbreak raises growth fears - Yahoo Finance
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Wall Street drops as virus outbreak, data stoke growth worry - Reuters

(Reuters) - Wall Street’s main averages tumbled more than 1% on Friday as mixed corporate earnings added to worries over the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on global growth.

FILE PHOTO: Traders work on the floor at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, U.S., January 21, 2020. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

The S&P 500 .SPX is down nearly 3% from its all-time high hit earlier in January, as businesses struggled with supply problems from the coronavirus epidemic that has killed 213 people in China and been declared a global emergency.

Delta Air Lines Inc (DAL.N) and American Airlines Group Inc (AAL.O) fell about 2% after companies said they would suspend all U.S.-China flights.

“There is more potential for markets to get affected by the coronavirus than SARS in 2003,” said Seema Shah, chief strategist at Principal Global Investors.

Economists fear its impact could be bigger than the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which killed about 800 people at an estimated cost of $33 billion to the global economy, since China’s share of the world economy is now far greater.

“Asset prices are a lot more over-valued coming into 2020, which means they are already very vulnerable to global sentiment,” Shah said.

Stocks were also pressured by data that showed the U.S. Midwest manufacturing activity index slid to a four-year low in January, with new orders and production tumbling and producers forecasting tepid activity in 2020. Inc (AMZN.O) was a bright spot, surging 8.8% on better-than-expected results for the holiday-quarter that pushed it back into the $1 trillion market capitalization club.

Gains in Amazon helped the consumer discretionary index .SPLRCD rise 1.5%, while all other S&P sectors were in the red, with energy stocks .SPNY tumbling 3.2%.

Oil majors Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) and Chevron Corp (CVX.N) dropped about 4% after disappointing results.

Sectors sensitive to global growth such as materials, technology, industrial and financials fell about 2% each.

At 1:02 p.m. ET, the Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI fell 480.74 points, or 1.67%, at 28,378.70.

The S&P 500 .SPX dropped 47.27 points, or 1.44%, at 3,236.39 and the Nasdaq Composite .IXIC was down 105.09 points, or 1.13%, at 9,193.85.

Visa Inc (V.N) fell 3.4% after its quarterly revenue missed estimates and the payments network warned of incentives hitting 2020 results.

International Business Machines Corp (IBM.N) gained 4.5% after it named a new chief executive officer.

Declining issues outnumbered advancers for a 3.24-to-1 ratio on the NYSE and a 3.69-to-1 ratio on the Nasdaq.

The S&P index recorded 33 new 52-week highs and 12 new lows, while the Nasdaq recorded 45 new highs and 99 new lows.

Reporting by Sruthi Shankar and Ambar Warrick in Bengaluru; Editing by Anil D'Silva and Amy Caren Daniel

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January 31, 2020 at 08:18PM

Wall Street drops as virus outbreak, data stoke growth worry - Reuters
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Curry Up Now brings its 'disruptive' Indian street food to Irvine - Los Angeles Times

Curry Up Now, a quickly growing Indian street food restaurant, celebrated the opening of its first Southern California location Wednesday at the Irvine Spectrum Center.

When entering the compact eatery, it’s hard to miss the multicolored mural art on the wall — an assortment of images from everyday South Asian life, juxtaposed with logos of local American sports teams and over-familiar Bollywood lines.

Curry Up Now

The mural inside the Irvine Curry Up Now store showcases distinct South Asian and American influences that can be found throughout the decor of all eight Curry Up Now restaurants in the U.S.

This is reminiscent of the interior design of their restaurants across the nation, and like their decor, Curry Up Now’s menu is a blend of casual-contemporary, South Asian and American.


There is a variety of chaat — street food sold across the subcontinent — along with a description of each dish for its non-Indian clientele.

Items include staples like vada pav (mashed potato fritter in a bun), pani puri (hollowed flat-bread cups filled with potatoes, garbanzo beans and cumin tamarind water), bhel puri (a mash of puffed rice and potatoes and garbonzo beans), kathi roll (a flatbread with various fillings), regular samosas and samosa chaat, listed here as “deconstructed samosa,” one of their signatures.

Curry Up Now

One of Curry Up Now’s signature items is the Deconstructed Samosa, an “inside out phenomenon loaded with chana, pico kachumber, chutneys, mini samosas” which can come with chicken, paneer, aloo gobi or lamb.

(Courtesy of Curry Up Now)

In addition, the menu offers a range of thali platters, made with North Indian-inspired food that have been more popularized in America because of Indian all-you-can-eat buffets. This includes different curries, a choice of protein (mostly chicken or lamb), daal (lentils), rice, bread, pico kachumbar (house salad similar to pico de gallo), and padadum (a thin, crisp flatbread).


Curry Up Now

Curry Up Now’s various thali platters come with a choice of rice or naan, pickles, pico kachumber and papadum.

(Courtesy of Curry Up Now)

The section on Indo-fusion street snacks includes Holy Moly Raviolis (fried cheese ravioli with tikka masala dip), Sexy Fries (an Indian-inspired poutine with cheese and choice of protein) and Quesadillix (whole wheat parathas stuffed with a choice of protein along with sides).

The biggest influence on the cross-cultural portion of the menu is Mexican American fare, as the company first became famous for their tacos and burritos.

Curry Up Now

A tikka masala burrito from Curry Up Now comes with a choice of chicken or paneer.

(Courtesy of Curry Up Now)

Curry Up Now started in San Francisco in 2009 as a food truck, founded by CEO Akash Kapoor, his wife Rana Kapoor, and their partner Amir Hosseini, senior vice president of operations.

It was a “labor of love,” a “weekends-only side business,” where the cooking was done by different members of his family, Kapoor says.

Over the years, they tested different items on the menu to see what worked. Since then, the business now includes three food trucks, eight brick-and-mortar restaurants spanning coast to coast, and a globally-inspired craft cocktail bar, Mortar & Pestle, that is housed within select Curry Up Now restaurants.

And there are over 50 franchise and corporate locations in varying stages of development across the United States, with more openings coming soon in California, New Jersey and Utah.


Curry Up Now

Akash and Rana Kapoor are co-founders of Curry Up Now, which started as a side business but now has three food trucks, eight restaurants across the nation and more in development.

(Courtesy of Curry Up Now)

“Fusion” is a word Akash Kapoor likes to avoid though when talking about their menu. He prefers the word “disruption.”

For instance, even if their burritos filled with ghee makhani butter, tikka masala, Kashmiri lamb, or samosa are wrapped in a tortilla instead of a naan as one might expect, the flavors in it are distinctively Indian, he says.

And they made an active effort to include foods outside of the more well-known curries like tikka masala, which Americans associate with Indian food even though they did not originate in India.

From its very inception, Kapoor says they wanted to go beyond serving clients of predominantly South Asian descent.

So they call their stuffed aloo paratha “Quesadillix.”

“We wanted things on the menu that people could easily recognize easily,” he says. “We didn’t want to get into the education business.”

Curry Up Now

The Curry Up Now location in the Irvine Spectrum Center is their first in Southern California.

(Courtesy of Curry Up Now)


Coming from a family of entrepreneurs in India, Kapoor migrated to America 26 years ago and has worked, since then, in a range of positions within sales, marketing and real estate.

“I’m a sales guy and have marketing in my veins,” he says.

Kapoor’s background influences the Curry Up Now menu’s play with language, as English words are juxtaposed next to their Indian equivalent: chana masala becomes “chana garbanzo masala,” raita becomes “yoghurt raita,” daal becomes “daal lentils,” and so forth.

That said, chai in the menu isn’t called “chai tea latte,” recalling the hyper-milky, hyper-sweet caffeinated concoction in places like Starbucks.

At Curry Up Now, chai is served with sugar on the side and, as if winking to its desi client, Parle G glucose biscuits.

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January 31, 2020 at 11:00PM

Curry Up Now brings its 'disruptive' Indian street food to Irvine - Los Angeles Times
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18th Street Brewery is coming to Indianapolis. Here's why the owners chose 10th Street. - IndyStar

Any bustling neighborhood likely would welcome award-winning 18th Street Brewery, but the company chose the near east side for its first Indianapolis location.

Drew Fox, 18th Street’s founder and president, said he scouted sites in fashionable Fountain Square, Mass Ave. and Irvington before placing a tap room near the intersection of 10th and Rural streets — an area “that doesn’t get much love or hasn’t had much love,” he said.

The near east side “felt more like home,” said Fox, who opened a brewpub in Gary in 2013 and then a production facility and brewpub in Hammond in 2016.

Beyond hops and malts and profit margins, Fox said 18th Street strives to transform communities with its gathering spots devoted to craft beer.

“If you know anything about our history, we are looking at neighborhoods that want to change and want to grow with us,” Fox said. “We’re not shy about it. We’re not afraid to take the risk. And we’re pretty good at it.”

In 2019, a USA Today readers’ choice survey designated 18th Street’s Hammond site as “Best Brewpub in the United States.”

To learn more about the 10th Street corridor, an area that received a boost toward revival from the 2012 Indianapolis Super Bowl Host Committee, Fox said he consulted residential development organization Near East Area Renewal.

"18th Street has a national reputation, so we’re hoping new people will discover our neighborhood," said Susan Vogt, economic development director for Near East Area Renewal. "But it’s for our neighbors, as well. It’s that balance point between serving the neighborhood and bringing additional consumers to our community."

New varieties: West Fork Whiskey has new canned bourbon cocktails

Vogt said the tap room, which opens Feb. 1 at 2829 E. 10th St., kicks off a month in which two art venues debut along the 10th Street corridor: Re:Public, 2301 E. 10th St., opens Feb. 12; and 10 East Arts Hub, 3137 E. 10th St., opens Feb. 15.

Fox said he's eager for 18th Street to play a positive role in a neighborhood frequently associated with abandoned houses and economic challenges.

"It’s really an organic process," Fox said. "If you look at our Gary location, for example, everyone said that was a pipe dream. It was never going to happen. It took me nearly two years to educate the city, educate the neighborhood to make sure that wouldn’t be the case."

How 18th Street spent the past 10 months

After a teaser sign ("Did you hear? 18th Street Brewery is coming here!") appeared in the window of the future tap room in April, no details were revealed until mid-December.

Fox said 18th Street did its homework before unveiling official plans for the former home of Love Handle restaurant.

"It’s easier to come into a community and just throw yourself into it without knowing all the facts and what the needs are," Fox said. "But we wanted to dive in to see what their needs were." 

Fox said to watch for 18th Street partnerships with other business, churches and schools in coming months.

Tap room details

Billed as 18th Street Indy, the new tap room has a 40-person capacity. Murals by Indianapolis artist Shane Brown accent two walls with imagery of skeletons and spooky characters.

A turntable holds a place of honor behind the bar, where heavy metal favored by Fox and other styles will spin on vinyl.

"Music is part of our culture," Fox said.

Beer, ranging from saisons to double IPAs to double milk stouts to sour and brett styles, will pour from 20 taps.

18th Street produced about 10,000 barrels of beer in 2019, making it the second largest brewery in Northwest Indiana, behind Munster-based 3 Floyds Brewing Co.

On the bar's opening night, 18th Street will share the spotlight by hosting a tap takeover by Granger-based Bare Hands Brewery.

Fox said the evening will serve as a logical after-party for the Winterfest beer event at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.

Menu options at 18th Street Indy include tacos and burritos, general manager Ty Patterson said.

A personal touch

Patterson said the tap room experience should be preferable for customers who otherwise buy a four-pack of 18th Street beer at an Indianapolis liquor store or drink a pint at a different bar.

"Even if somebody is our biggest fan down here, they don’t get the ambiance, they don’t get the conversation with Drew or myself," Patterson said.

"We want to be in front of the customers," Fox added. "This puts us in front of the customers in Indianapolis."

And Indianapolis often will have an edge when it comes to 18th Street rarities.

"We have an opportunity to experiment with beers that we didn’t have before," Fox said. "We have about 12 tap lines in Hammond and about 10 in Gary. We have 20 here. That's more freedom to produce some beers we normally would not produce."

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Contact IndyStar reporter David Lindquist at or 317-444-6404. Follow him on Twitter: @317Lindquist.

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January 31, 2020 at 10:00PM

18th Street Brewery is coming to Indianapolis. Here's why the owners chose 10th Street. - IndyStar
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Amazon Analysts Raise Price Targets on Big Earnings Beat: What Wall Street's Saying - TheStreet

What Wall Street Is Getting Wrong With Twitter Right Now, According to Analysts - Barron's

Photograph by Alastair Pike/AFP via Getty Images

Twitter shares have crept higher in 2020, after going nowhere for a year. And faithful investors may be hopeful the company can turn itself around with earnings on February 6, after disastrous results three months back.

But Wall Street is still getting two big things wrong about the micro-messaging service, says Citi analyst Jason Bazinet, who has just picked up coverage of the group.

“We see two risks for Twitter. First, we believe the Street’s revenue estimates are too high. Second, we believe the Street’s cost estimates may be too low,” he said.

To be sure, the last quarter was a black eye for Twitter. The company posted weaker-than-expected profit, revenue and guidance after announcing an issue with an advertising bug that hit its ability to target ads. That sent shares tumbling around 20%, wiping out gains for 2019.

As for that first risk, the analyst notes that a big chunk of Twitter’s historical revenue growth has come from converting monthly active users (MAU) to daily active users (DAU). But he says revenue per DAU—a crucial metric for the company—hasn’t risen materially in the last four years.

“If Twitter matches best-in-class MAU to DAU conversion, it suggests a revenue ‘ceiling’ of about $5 billion per annum,” said the analyst. As Wall Street forecasts are shooting well past this level for 2023, he expects the Street to downgrade revenue outlooks for 2021 and 2022 as that ceiling nears.

The second risk is that Wall Street is undershooting cost forecasts for Twitter, such as stock-based compensation and depreciation and amortization expenses. The Street expects those costs to represent around 20% of revenues by 2022. But Bazinet notes that Twitter’s own outlook is in the 23% to 30% ballpark.

Also, Twitter hasn’t invested as much as Facebook in trying to combat fake news, so those costs could also rise.

Looking ahead: Citi’s Bazinet rates Twitter neutral with a price target that he just pushed down to $35 from $36. That still implies some gains from here as Twitter shares closed at $33.22 on Thursday.

He says the outlook won’t change until Wall Street gets a bit more real about Twitter’s financials.

And if Wall Street is going to start waking up here, then a tough stretch for Twitter stock may not quite be over.

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January 31, 2020 at 08:54PM

What Wall Street Is Getting Wrong With Twitter Right Now, According to Analysts - Barron's
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5th Street Station welcoming more new restaurants - - CBS19 News

"What we love over here is it's really a walking type of environment so we see a lot of people, especially when the weather is nice, walking by all the different shops,” said Schwartz. “You can taste different cuisines. You have Mediterranean, you have Hawaiian. We specialize in more paninis and finger foods and stuff like that. So I think it's a more unique shopping center unlike any other shopping center in town for sure."

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January 31, 2020 at 02:01PM

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Wayang Potehi Hingga Pecinan Street Food di Festival Imlek Banyuwangi - JatimNow - Festival Imlek yang digelar di Banyuwangi akan berlangsung selama tiga hari di Tempat Ibadah Tri Dharma (TITD) Kelenteng Hoo Tong Bio.

Dalam festival ini, akan diramaikan dengan pertunjukan Wayang Potehi hingga Pecinan Street Food.

Bupati Banyuwangi, Abdullah Azwar Anas mengatakan Festival Imlek merupakan wujud komitmen daerah mengangkat beragam tradisi dan kebudayaan untuk mengakomodir beragam tradisi yang hidup di tengah masyarakat.

"Sejak empat tahun lalu, kami masukkan event ini menjadi agenda resmi B-Fest untuk menunjukkan bahwa budaya Tionghoa juga merupakan bagian dari Banyuwangi. Banyuwangi yang dihuni banyak etnis, agama, dan budaya namun bisa saling hidup rukun dan damai," kata Anas, Jumat (31/1/2020).

Anas meyakini, Festival Imlek akan berlangsung semarak. Karena selain mempertontonkan budaya Tionghoa, juga akan menampilkan kesenian lokal. Seperti, Barong Using dan lagu-lagu daerah yang bakal bersanding dengan musik khas Tionghoa.

"Ini pastinya menarik, bagaimana budaya Tionghoa akan berpadu dengan budaya Banyuwangi. Jangan sampai dilewatkan," ujarnya.

Koordinator Kelenteng Hoo Tong Bio, Alexander Martin, Festival Imlek bakal dimeriahkan banyak atraksi yang merefleksikan akulturasi budaya Tionghoa dan budaya lokal Banyuwangi.

Diawali dengan pertunjukan Wayang Potehi di depan kelenteng. Ini merupakan kesenian wayang klasik perpaduan budaya Tionghoa dan Jawa.

"Pertunjukan ini akan berlangsung tiga hari, hingga Minggu (2/2/2020). Dimulai pukul 16.00 - 21.00 Wib," kata Alex, sapaan akrabnya.

Jumat malam, kata dia, akan dilanjutkan dengan peresmian sentra kuliner baru 'Pecinan Street Food'.

Sebuah kawasan kuliner yang menjajakan beragam masakan khas Tionghoa. Mulai dari dimsum, lontong cap go meh, bebek/ ayam Peking, sate Tai Chan, hingga nasi goreng hitam.

Aneka jajanan juga tersedia, mulai dari kue keranjang, manisan Tiongkok, bakpao ayam, dan bakcang. Juga aneka minuman, seperti teh bunga krisan, kopi, dan masih banyak lainnya.

Meski ini adalah sentra kuliner Tionghoa, Alex memastikan bahwa semua menu yang dijajakan di kawasan ini halal. Pengunjung tidak perlu khawatir mencicipi kuliner di Pecinan Street Food.

"Masyarakat Banyuwangi sangat majemuk, ada banyak etnis dan agama. Namun, kami menyadari bahwa mayoritas adalah muslim. Sehingga kami dan seluruh pedagang sepakat hanya menyediakan masakan halal. Sehingga siapa saja bisa datang dan berwisata kuliner di sini tanpa ragu. Dijamin halal dan enak," tegas Alex.

Pecinan Street Food ini akan digelar di sepanjang jalan ikan gurame di Kelurahan Karangrejo. Membentang sekitar 300 meter di areal Kelenteng Hoo Tong Bio.

Di sini, pengunjung bisa mencicipi kuliner sedap sambil menikmati suasana romantis yang kental nuansa Imlek. Mulai dari musik, hiburan, hingga ornamen serba merah.

"Pecinan Street Food dibuka hingga festival imlek berakhir pada Minggu malam. Selanjutnya, akan rutin digelar setiap Jumat malam di areal yang sama. Jadi warga Banyuwangi dan wisatawan yang ingin menikmati masakan khas Tionghoa tidak perlu repot. Langsung saja ke tempat ini. Dijamin puas," ujarnya.

Selanjutnya, pada Minggu (2/2/2020), Festival Imlek akan ditutup dengan beragam pertunjukan seni kolaborasi. Diantaranya, atraksi Leang-Leong dan Tarian Lampion. Juga kolaborasi Barongsai, Barong Using, dan Barong Bali.

"Juga ada penampilan Lalare Orchestra. Mereka akan membawakan sejumlah lagu daerah dan lagu Tionghoa yang diaransemen musik tradisional," ujarnya.

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San Francisco's hallmark, Market Street is now car-free - CNN

(CNN) — Over two miles of downtown San Francisco's Market Street, a major artery of the city and gathering place for residents and visitors alike, are now car-free as part of a movement that puts pedestrians first.
"If there was a street synonymous with San Francisco, it's Market Street," wrote the city's mayor, London Breed, in a blog post. "It is the everyday backbone of the City, with hundreds of thousands of people traveling along it on foot, bike, bus or streetcar. It's where we gather to celebrate our victories and protest injustices."

When the street was constructed in 1847, there were about 50,000 people in the city. Now, there are more than 800,000, fueling the need for safer streets, a more efficient public transit system and lowering carbon emissions from transport, she said.

Making Market Street car-free

Vehicles drive past a "Car-Free" sign displayed on Montgomery Street in San Francisco, California.

Vehicles drive past a "Car-Free" sign displayed on Montgomery Street in San Francisco, California.

David Paul Morris/Bloomberg/Getty Images

The Better Market Street Plan began as part of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency's Quick Build Program, which accelerates the implementation of safety improvements.

The decision to close the street to private vehicle traffic was approved by the SFMTA Board of Director after a years-long process involving design, community feedback and approval between numerous city agencies.

The redesign will take time but it was kicked off on January 29. Over the next few months, the structural transformation will begin with private car restriction, new two-way streets, intersection safety improvements and extended lanes for Muni, the city's public railway transit system. In addition to buses, Market Street is the main route for a fleet of vintage streetcars that run along its tracks.

Safety improvements to intersections include installing painted zones at eight intersections to make crossing the street safer.

Making the city safer

Passenger cars and ride-hailing services will be banned from traveling on portions of Market Street.

Passenger cars and ride-hailing services will be banned from traveling on portions of Market Street.

David Paul Morris/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Half of San Francisco's top ten intersections for injury collisions involving people walking or biking, are on Market Street, "making the transition to a car-free Market Street especially vital and urgent," the mayor's office said in a press release.

"For years Market Street has been far too dangerous for pedestrians, while also boasting a half million people walking on it every single day," said Jodie Medeiros, executive director of Walk San Francisco, a pedestrian advocacy group.

"That's a huge disconnect, especially since San Francisco is committed to ending severe and fatal traffic crashes by 2024. A car-free Market is an essential step toward a dramatically safer street for everyone who uses it."

Extending existing transit-only lanes from Third to Main Street, the portion of Market with the most transit traffic, and making them Muni-only makes the transit system more reliable for San Franciscans in a city that sees upwards of 200 buses per hour during busy periods.

Additionally, the plan includes 100 new pick-up and drop-off zones which will improve loading and delivery for businesses as well. Loading will be restricted during peak hours to reduce traffic conflicts between people on bicycles and transit.

"The Market Street project helps us meet two key goals: moving more people by eliminating congestion delay on our most important transit corridor, and improving safety on the street with five of our top-ten, high-injury intersections," said Jeffrey Tumlin, SFMTA director of transportation.

Accessibility concerns

While private cars and non-Muni buses aren't allowed on Market Street anymore (except to cross it), paratransit vehicles and commercial taxis are still allowed for curbside service, Medeiros said.

The city's additional 100 zones right next to Market Street on the cross streets allow for people in wheelchairs who need curbside access to businesses along Market Street.

"Walk SF leads the Vision Zero Coalition's Senior and Disability Workgroup, and is deeply involved in advocating for a Market Street that works for everyone," Medeiros said. "Large numbers of seniors and people with disabilities use the bus, and it's now going to be safer getting on and off those buses."

Moving toward a pedestrian-centered future

By making Market Street car-free, San Francisco adds itself to a list of other cities working to create spaces centered on people, including New York, Cleveland, Ohio and Oslo, Norway.
San Francisco has been lowering its carbon emissions since the early 2000s, but can reach its climate goals by a lot more people choosing sustainable ways to get around, such has walking and transit. It's on the city to "back this goal up by making walking safer and more appealing, and speeding up bus service," Medeiros said.
Changing Market Street isn't the first time San Francisco has made way for car-free public spaces and safer walking and biking. In December, the city saw the completion of the Octavia "Open Street" Project, which reopened a portion of the street as public space to be enjoyed by surrounding neighborhoods and communities.

"We are actively planning for a future in which our public spaces are reclaimed for people and where streets and sidewalks are convenient, enjoyable and safe places to travel and gather," Breed wrote.

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January 31, 2020 at 05:03PM

San Francisco's hallmark, Market Street is now car-free - CNN
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